Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Trip to the Beauty Parlor

Gertie and Della, the two poodle pups who came into our lives last Thursday, made their debut at Waggers grooming salon this morning.  I picked them up at three o'clock, and Kathy knew we had to grab photos of them before they lose that "just brushed" look.  So here they are, looking somewhat intrigued by the array of strange sounds Kathy made to arrest their jitterbug motion and make they look her way.

Gertie's on the right with the gray lead, G for Gertie, you know; and the smaller Della's on the left with the bright blue lead chosen because it's not pink and not black.

The intelligence of poodles is some kind of wonder.  They already know the phrase, "Kennel up!"  That means it's time for another blissful rest time in your cage.  Last night Gertie walked right in on her own.  Della didn't but she did hang around nearby so that I could nudge her in.  Then, as I reported earlier, I read them more Swamplandia! and heard not a peep nor a whimper, and they slept through the night again until the reasonable hour of 6:30.

Their potty training is short of complete, but we're doing better, and one or both of them appear to realize that if an accident is to be had, it is preferable to have it on the hardwood floor rather than on the oriental rug.  Accidents, however, are on a sharp decline as trips outside are more frequent.

They are thrilled to have been provided with an indoor racetrack for their war games.  They love the long shot from the refrigerator all the way down to the end of the hall at the far end of the house, and the big loop through the living room is almost as much fun as the obstacle evasion course we set up for their enjoyment in the dining room.  We know this course as a table with four chairs and a glass top, but to them it's more of a playground, sometimes with an unexpected cat.

I can't say that I'm getting very much done, other than studying my new kids.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, Michael! I'm glad that you and Kathy are enjoying the girls so much. Also having two dogs, I definitely know what you mean about having "kids". It's fun to see the interaction between them.

    -Melanie Seda
